Match Dates and Match Rules

2025 Season’s Match Dates

Booking Essential:

To Book On Any Matches

Phone David Jessop on 07951 082919

With Jason On Our Facebook Page

Or Through The WhatsApp Match Group

To be Added to the Match Group Contact: Dave Jessop. Jason Lodge. Tony Warner. Chris Roberts.


Sunday matches.

Draw 9am Fish 10am-3pm

All matches £15 unless stated otherwise

March 2nd. Push Dam – Rod, Line, Wagglers & Silvers Only

March 16th Hopton  Water  (Silvers Match)

March 30th Bottoms Mill Dam (Silvers Match)(TR Brook Cup)

April 13th Push Dam, Shepley

April 27th Canal (Alan Bedford Memorial Match) £20

May 11th Nethermill, Penistone £25

May 25th Hill Top Reservoir (Joe Booth Memorial Match)

June 8th Bottoms Mill Dam

June 22nd Hopton Water  (Fred Eastwood Challenge cup)

July 6th Nethermill, Penistone £25

July 20th Canal (Boulding Trophy)

August 3rd Hill Top Reservoir

August 17th Nethermill ( Malcolm Fenwick Memorial Shield) £25

August 31st Push Dam, Shepley(Gertrude Gee Trophy)

September 14th Hopton water (Melvin Livesey Memorial Match)

September 28th Bottoms Mill Dam ( Fred Eastwood Rose Bowl )

October 12th Nethermill (Christmas Match ) £25

October 26th Canal (Ralph Reece Memorial Trophy)

November 9th Hopton Water (Silvers Match)

November 23rd Push Dam, Shepley (Silvers Match) 

December 7th Hopton Water(Silvers Match )

December 21st Push Dam, Shepley (Silvers Match)

December 29th Canal Christmas Match (Annual Cup)



The Wednesday Fishing Club will start to meet again in APRIL 2025
The idea is to encourage anglers to meet together and share their skills, thoughts and ideas and just a general get together for persons that may need some help & support.
There is usually a £1 winner take all pool.
The F. Taylor League cup will be presented to the angler with the highest accumulated weight over the series

DRAW 12.00 noon

FISH 1.00 pm to 6.00 pm

April 9th Hopton Water

April 23rd Bottoms Mill Dam

May 7th Push Dam, Shepley

May 21st Hopton Water

June 4th Square Dam

June 18th Hill Top Reservoir

July 2nd Canal

July 16th Bottoms Mill Dam

July 30th Square Dam

August 13th Canal

August 27th Hopton Water

September 10th Bottoms mill Dam

September 24th Push Dam, Shepley

October 8th Hopton Water

October 22nd Bottoms Mill Dam



DRAW 2.30 pm

FISH 3.30pm to 8.30 pm

May 2nd Hopton Water (Hospital and Infirmary Cups)

May 16th Bottoms Mill Dam

May 30th Push Dam, Shepley (Lumb Waggler Shield) Rod, Line, Wagglers & Silvers Only

June 13th Canal

June 27th Bottoms Mill Dam ( Wilson Cup)

July 11th Hill Top Reservoir

July 25th Push Dam Shepley (C.W. Hill Cup)

August 8th Hopton Water




    From the Match Secretary at any time up to 8.00 pm on the night prior to the match:
    Telephone Match Secretary: Dave Jessop 121, Marsh Lane, Shepley, Huddersfield HD8 8AS. Mobile No:- 07951082919.

    a) There is a £3 pegging fee for all matches and a £12 pool.
    b) From the entry fee 20p goes to the Club’s Junior fund and the rest goes to the Match Account.
    c) The match pool carries a 100% payout e.g.: 50%, 30% and 20% plus sections.

    As per the match programme on the website.

    As per the match programme on the website.

    Any angler booked on to a match who does not attend on the day of the match without having previously notified the Match Secretary will not be entitled to a refund of the entry fee and pools .


  1. All anglers fishing matches must be in possession of a current Environment Agency Rod Licence and should be fully conversant with these rules.
  2. Juniors fishing matches will pay the full entry fee. No one under 12 years of age on the 1st of January will be able to compete in senior club matches unless they are accompanied by an adult who shall be solely responsible for them.
  3. Any angler who draws scales must take these to their peg and conduct the weigh-in on completion of the match. Anglers who draw “checker” pegs must assist the scales man to conduct the weigh-in and record the weights.
  4. “Near pegs” are available on application in writing to the Match Secretary prior to the matches. Competitors granted such pegs will be obliged to take “near pegs” on all subsequent matches for the rest of that season.
  5. Competitors on arriving at their pegs  must not groundbait or loosefeed their swim or disturb the water other than to wet their groundbait, clear their fishing ground of weed or obstruction, position their keepnets or plumb the depth before the starting signal.
  6. A competitor must fish within one yard of his peg mark. On flowing water he will fish from his position in the direction of the flw as far as the next peg
    On still waters and canals he will may fish on either side of his peg to a point halfway between his peg and the adjacent peg on either side. Should other competitors be pegged opposite one another then he shall only fish to the centre of the water.
  7. A competitor may only use one rod, line and hook at any one time but may have other tackles assembled for use in a position to his rear providing that no such tackle be baited. Any competitor leaving his peg during the match must withdraw his rod and terminal tackle from the water and must not approach another competitor unless invited to do so.
  8. Any bait subject to local rules may be used, except live or dead fish, spinning baits or lures. All groundbait and loose feed may be thrown in by hand or by the use of catapults, throwing sticks, swimfeeders, baitdroppers and pole pots, the latter three only to be used with the rod or pole that is being fished with.
  9. Competitors must hook play and land their own fish from their own peg. Competitors must cease fishing on hearing the finishing signal but may be allowed no more than 15 minutes to play and land a fish that was hooked before the finishing signal.
  10. The following are ineligible for weighing in :- Salmon, Trout, Seatrout, Sticklebacks and Crustaceans. All fish caught during a match must be returned after the weigh-in.
  11. Where matches are held on suitable waters, competitors may enter the water (thigh wading only). Notice will be given to competitors at the draw. Junior members will not be allowed to wade on any match.
  12. No member shall fish any match length on the day of the match until after the completion of the weigh-in. Competitors who want to resume fishing after the match may not do so until after the scales have passed their peg.
  13. All trophy winners will receive their trophy and a replicato keep, at the Annual Presentation Night. All Trophies must be returned to the Match Secretary before 1st November following the presentation. Failure to do so will result in the offender being banned from all Club Matches during the following year. No trophy may be won outright.
  14. Only Club Members who have not won a Senior Cub Trophy during the previous year and have not been a winner of the Hallas Novice Trophy during the previous three years may win the Hallas Novice Trophy.
  15. A trophy is presented to the Lady Member with the highest combined weight in the Annual Cup and Hallas Trophy matches.
  16. Any Club Member wishing to be considered for representative matches for next year MUST complete the form provided in the year book (see pages 34 and 35) and forward it to the Match Secretary.
  17. Any offence committed against Match Rules to be reported to the Match Secretary in writing immediately after the end of the match and before the announcement of the winners. The offence shall be investigated at the next General Purposes Committee Meeting where the alleged offender shall have the right to attend to defend himself. The General Purposes Committee have the power to suspend or terminate a person’s Club Membership for the breaking of  any Match Rules.
  18. Any Club Member fishing for a Club Trophy must show his Membership Book when drawing his peg number.